My Beautiful Aunt, friend confidante and second mother
Created by Petra 4 years ago
It’s took me so long to know what to write to you my darling Aunt, I mean how can I put into words the joy and happiness you brought into my life? But I’m going to try.
My first memory of you, I think is it at your wedding to my Uncle George, I think I was around five, and the netting on my bridesmaid dress was so itchy! I remember you took so much time with me, hugging me, tickling me to make me laugh, and kissing me and telling me I looked beautiful, that was you all over, always making someone forget any worries with your sense of humour and love.
I spent the majority of my summers with you and Uncle George in St Albans, I look back at those times now as truly the happiest times of my life.
Mum was always busy working for the NHS, and knew how much I loved you, and you me, so my summers were spent playing swingball, having lovely baths every night, bedtime stories, helping you at the music shop, renting out films, baking, lessons at the dance school. I vividly remember doing every single lesson from tots to seniors! I just adored your voice as you taught, and didn’t want to leave your side.
Still, to this day you inspire me with how driven you were, so hardworking, always smiling, going into the town centre, you could see how popular you were in the community, so many people used to stop you, and I always remember how you used to introduce me to them, with a tight hug and a big smile.
We constantly called and wrote to each other, all throughout my childhood, and I remember one of my last summers there, we drove to pick Uncle George up from Marconi and you said as we sat in the car that you had something to tell me, I was so excited when you told me you were expecting a baby, which was our beautiful Sarah Louise. I remember coming to visit you after her birth and you let me hold her, I felt so lucky to have you both. After this came the birth of Andrew, I remember visiting and noting how both children had taken on your sense of humour, which was, to me, amazing! Having no brothers or sisters it was lovely to have an extended family with our crazy sense of humour!
Unfortunately life, and a career made our visits less frequent, but you was always there for me, through some testing times, constantly on the phone, and visiting me after the breakdown of my marriage, you were my protector, my second mother, the one who always wanted to know how I was. After the birth of my baby girl Zahra, you were the second person I called, my dear Aunt, you cried on the phone, you told me how proud of me you were, you made me feel on top of the world, like I could conquer motherhood, with no worries, you don’t understand the strength you gave me at that time.
The last ten years, not much changed, our communication was through a few visits, calls, texts and Facebook, you always being the first one to comment on mine or Zahra’s achievements, and telling us how proud you were. You helped me through my primary school module of my degree, and was so proud when I graduated, and you were meant to be coming to my ceremony this year, so when I finally get to my graduation ceremony, it will be in your honour.
I love you, to the moon, and back again my beautiful Aunt. You were my second mother, my friend, my confidant, and my partner in crime when we had our “cheeky heads” on. Rest easy now “Poppet” You’ve left an imprint on my heart and your morals and outlook on life will always be with me, and Zahra. xxxxxxx
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